Recently, Fortune surveyed more than 88,000 Millennials from over 600 companies in order to see which workplaces stood out as the best for the incoming generation of workers. They compiled the results and came out with a list of the top 100 companies to work for in 2016. Using this data, the career experts at AMI generated a list of top industries for Millennials to work in to help kick off the 2017 job search.

Construction and Real Estate

Number of Companies in Top 100: 7

Top industries for millennials to work in

Who says that Millennials aren’t good with their hands? As it turns out, not every Millennial is hard-wired to their keyboards and smart phones. In addition to the rewarding feeling of building something with their own two hands, Millennials also enjoy the close connection between employees and management and the genuine encouragement for professional and personal growth with hands-on training.


Number of Companies in Top 100: 12

Top industries for millennials to work in

Most young people are familiar with the retail grind, but not all retail jobs are created equal. Yes, there are some retail employers that treat their employees like expendable cogs in a machine. But there are also some great retailers that afford their employees flexibility in scheduling and tons of opportunities to climb the ladder for more responsibility and money.

Financial Services & Insurance

Number of Companies in Top 100: 14

Top industries for millennials to work in

Everyone wants to make bank, but some Millennials want to be the bank. In addition to becoming financially literate, young people also appreciate the fact that these employers make all of their employees feel valued by listening to everyone’s feedback and not just the ones with decades of experience. It also doesn’t hurt that the companies in this industry offer some of the most generous benefits packages and retirement plans.

Information Technology

Number of Companies in Top 100: 18

Top industries for millennials to work in

It’s not surprising that information technology is one of the highest regarded fields for Millennials to work in. Technology is in their blood! Even beyond that natural affinity with computers and coding, Millennials also love the flexibility of the information technology industry, where getting the job done is more important than the dress code or the location the work is taking place.

Professional Services

Number of Companies in Top 100: 19

Top industries for millennials to work in

Professional services, or consulting, comes out on top with nearly one fifth of all the workplaces on Fortune’s list! Aside from being one of the most lucrative fields included on this list, Millennials also love the emphasis on a good work-life balance that is widespread throughout this industry. Additionally, they also feel connected to and mutually respected by all of their coworkers, even the high-level executives, which is a quick way to make the office feel more like a home and less like a workspace.

These five industries alone make up 70% of the Fortune Top 100 Best Workplaces for Millennials! It is no exaggeration to say that these truly are the top industries for millennials to work in for 2017. If you are a young person who is unsure about what industry to break into, look into one of these industries as your peers have recommended them highly.

If you’re already sure about what industry you want to work in, click here to take the next step and create an account with AMI to build up your interview skills and land your dream job!