breathe new life into your job search for first day of spring

After a long and cold winter, the first day of spring has finally come to greet us. The sun is shining and the first tentative bits of green are poking out from a rapidly thawing earth. It’s only fitting in this time of rebirth to take a look at some techniques that will help you breathe new life into your job search!

Get Involved

While it’s important to have the right skills and knowledge to land the job, it’s imperative that you have a strong professional network to help you find the right opportunities. One way that you can expand your network is by getting involved in community and professional organizations in your area. By interacting with people who are directly connected to your industry of interest, you will not only have your fingers on the pulse of the industry, you will also become more than a name on a page when it comes time to apply for an opening.

Shake Things Up

While you’re doing your spring cleaning and getting some fresh air, you should also take a look at your resume and LinkedIn profile. It’s easy to fall behind on keeping these resources up to date. Trim the deadwood from your resume and make sure to add all of your new skills and experiences to your LinkedIn. Even if you don’t have anything big to add, it never hurts to refine the language of your descriptions of duties and skills to make sure it puts you in the best light.

Get Practice

Sometimes you need to shake the cobwebs off when you haven’t done something in a long time. Now that the spring thaw has come, it might be the time to get a little job interview help. Luckily, Aced My Interview offers a range of services that will give you hands-on, real-time job interview practice with feedback to help you get on the right track.

If you’re looking to breathe new life into your job search for the first day of spring, click here to create an account with AMI.