As the snow melts and the sun starts shining again, those of us with wanderlust are starting to get bit by the travel bug. However, it’s hard to balance the love for travel with the comfort and stability of a steady paycheck. Lucky, the career experts at AMI have formulated a list of careers that allow you to kill two birds with one stone! Scroll down to read our list of careers for people who love to travel.


English Teacher

Careers for People Who Love to Travel Interview Help

This is one of the easiest ways to get paid while indulging your love for travel. There are tons and tons of programs that allow you to hop on an airplane and visit a distant land to teach English. Don’t sweat it if you don’t think you’ve got what it takes to be a teacher! Many of these organizations offer training before you ship out, so you’re not going in blind. Teaching English abroad is a great way to soak up another country’s culture while also sharing a bit of your own.


Au Pair

Careers for People who Love to Travel Interview help job search

Working as an au pair is another way to see the world and make a couple of bucks. An au pair is a kind of live-in nanny that takes care of the children and helps with domestic tasks in exchange for housing and a small stipend. If you’re great with kids and itching to travel, this might just be the career for you.


Hospitality Services

When you’ve got wanderlust, you’ve probably stayed in more than your share of hotels and hostels. If you need to make a little extra scratch between excursions, there’s always a ton of jobs in hospitality services, whether it’s something simple like bartending or something with more responsibility like managing an entire hotel branch. What’s better is that many hotels have branches all over the world, so if you have the sudden urge to travel it is likely you can transfer to your desired destination.


Web Designer


The great thing about web design is that the only things you need to do it are a computer and an internet connection. While there is no travel inherent to the work itself, the fact that you can design and program pretty much anywhere means that you shouldn’t have any problem jetting around the world while working on projects. Like many other careers in the computer sciences, web design can be pretty lucrative, which is always an added bonus.


Diplomat/International Relations

Travel Wanderlust

Working for the government is another great way to get out and see the world. There are embassies located all over the world, which means that you have many opportunities to see all kinds of different cultures and ways of life. Additionally, working in international diplomacy is an incredibly prestigious career, which will certainly make Mom and Dad proud!


Before you jet off to your next destination, click here to create an account with AMI and schedule a session with an Interview Specialist!