homer simpson asking questions in an interview

Set the scene: You wake up, throw on your lucky pair of underwear, and head off to your interview. The interview is going exactly how you planned. You think you’re about to ace it, but the hiring manager finishes up with, “so, do you have any questions for me?”… and you freeze.

THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! Interviewers almost always finish with this question, even in a mock interview. The cardinal mistake that most people make is by inquiring that they have no questions or that all of their concerns were addressed. However, regardless of how thorough the interviewer was, there are always more questions you can ask to show your full engagement. Below are 10 of the best questions a candidate can ask when closing up a successful interview.

  1. What are the working hours? What are your expectations in terms of arrival and departure times?
  2. What are your expectations around reaching me after hours?
  3. Are there any opportunities for overtime?
  4. What are your norms for working at home if I have to take a sick day?
  5. Can you outline for me what a typical day in this office would look like?
  6. Who are my internal clients, and what are the expectations around my interactions with them?
  7. Who will be evaluating my performance in this role and what are the evaluation criteria?
  8. Tell me about my most important internal clients and other contacts. What do I need to know about working with each of them?
  9. What do you think will be the most challenging part of this position and do you have any advice as how to tackle this hurdle?
  10. What else do I need to know about the culture, the management team, and the company?

Never get caught in this sticky situation again. Knowledge is power, and with these questions at the ready, that job is as good as yours!