What the election 2016 results mean for your job search

The election is finally over. Everyone hit the polls and voted for their preferred candidate. Many are uncertain about the future, both of the country and of their own livelihoods. Well, there is one thing that can be said with certainty about the election results: they do not change anything for those of you on the job search.

Stay Optimistic

Don’t get sucked into the doom and gloom that some people are spouting. It’s not the end of the world. Society as we know it will not collapse or crumble. For the most part, things will be business as usual. If you’re on the job search, this goes double for you. You need to keep that positive attitude going.  Getting wrapped up in negativity is a quick way to sabotage any opportunities for success that you may come across.  Potential employers do not want to work with someone who brings the room down. They want employees who are passionate, energetic and optimistic!

Keep Hustling

Change can cause anxiety. Even in the business world, change has a big effect on the market. But where there is change, there is also opportunity. Instead of panicking or complaining that one candidate got in over the other, you need to keep working toward your dream job. You need to keep building skills and networking. You never know what comes with a shake-up. Keep putting yourself out there and eventually you’ll break through.

It’s Up to You

It’s easy to believe that a person is going to come along and save the day. After all, we see it all the time on television and in the movies. But the simple fact of the real world is that if you want to make your life better, it’s up to you. The president is going to do everything they can to improve the lives of the general population, but they have a nation of more than 300 million people to think about. If you want to land that dream job, you need to go the extra mile every day. The president isn’t going to do anything to improve your work ethic or skill set or get you the interview. That lies squarely on your shoulders.

So don’t fret about the election results.  Even if your preferred candidate didn’t get elected, the sky isn’t going to cave in. The sun will keep rising every morning and you’re going to keep waking up and working toward making your dreams come true.  Nobody else is going to take accountability for getting you the job except for you.

If you want to take your job search to the next level, sign up and book an appointment with the Aced My Interview experts today!